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For The Operator

Veryable: New Option for Today’s Workforce

Mike Kinder
February 6, 2017
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The on-demand economy is offering a new set of options for today’s worker.  The “gig economy” has produced options like Uber, Lyft, and TaskRabbit where you can make some extra money on the side giving people rides or running other people’s errands.  Uber drivers in Dallas, for example, can typically make $15-18 per hour as side income, and those that drive full time can earn over $40,000 per year.  The Veryable on-demand model is a bit different though – we are looking beyond “gigs” and building a marketplace that provides you with a continuous stream of on-demand opportunities in manufacturing and warehousing so you can achieve full-time income while creating your own schedule based on your personal needs.

Opportunities beyond "gigs"


Veryable is set up to provide everyone with a unique and personal experience.  It can be whatever you want it to be.  If you already work full time from 8 to 5, you should be able to find some side “gigs” on second or third shift to put some extra money in your pocket.  If you are looking for full-time work, Veryable should be able to provide you with enough opportunities to generate a full-time income in excess of $1,000 per week depending on your location and performance reviews.  The main difference between Veryable and the rest is that we are looking to build you a full-time income.  We believe on-demand labor is central to the future of manufacturing and our model wants to plug you in directly to countless work opportunities in this new labor environment.

How it works


If you already have the Veryable mobile App on your phone, you know that we define work differently than what you are probably used to.  Simply put, the work you will find on the App are called “Ops” and these Ops represent specific work opportunities:

-- Ops are entered by companies onto the Veryable platform -- Ops can range from approximately 1 hour to 8 hours -- Pay for each Op can either be based on output (pay per unit/task completed) or an hourly wage -- You have the ability to select the Ops you’d like to do -- Companies will select you based on your performance ratings and skills -- Veryable will deposit your pay directly into bank account after you complete the Op -- There are no obligations to work beyond completing that specific Op.

Where this gets interesting is that you should have the ability to go back and do that Op again if the company continues to post the work.  You will get faster and more efficient every time, which helps you maximize your income potential.  You also have no obligation to return – you can continue to try new opportunities and broaden your experience and familiarity with multiple companies in the area.

Getting ahead of the curve

Your profile information will be the main reason companies will select you for Ops or invite you to bid on Ops.  Every company will be able to see your overall performance ratings from the Ops you’ve done in the past and they will be able to see your stated skills. 

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Mike Kinder

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